・非公式Remixコンピ提案募集(25年 春)
🔗 https://forms.gle/MPqKAbNCUshscDHJ6
・リクエスト募集(24~25年 冬)
🔗 https://forms.gle/8FaiERJEKFfXiPQK8
📦CDの発送方法: 定形外郵便物(追跡番号無し)/クリックポスト(追跡番号あり)
📦For customers outside Japan that don't plan on using proxy service. I can ship via Air Mail, E-Packet, EMS, etc. Please contact before ordering & I can calculate the total shipping costs.
📚Disclaimer: Some of our CD's are produced only for promotional purpose. Any profit made are used for covering the production fees.